What's Wrong With This #4

This one is a little harder to explain without giving away the answer right away.

This attack takes place on one of the non-mainstream servers somewhere in the Top 300. For now, I consider the English and German to be mainstream (but that's not very important).

The funny part is that piccolastella is the clan founder. I guess a clan is best described as a group of friends, rather than an organized group of dungeon keepers.

Bring on the comments.


Uhm...I never atack with less than 12 monsters. I don't know how to explain this in english, but it's about the amount of gold you will recieve if the atack succeds and the chances of your creature die if there is some defense. If this atack hits my dark elfs defense all those creatures will die.

PS: I started in english server yesterday =P (nick: Tetsuo)

June 23, 2008 at 10:26 AM  

The battle report doesn't look like it has finished loading.

June 26, 2008 at 4:38 PM  

Shoots, I forgot about that Dale.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I photoshopped the image slightly and removed the "battle results".

I'll post the unaltered battle report later today.

June 27, 2008 at 12:43 AM  

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