Can you Dig it (gold)?

By far, the most effective way to gain points in DignFight is by excavating for gold with imps.

Attacking with imps is bad!! Although imps can carry much more than any other creature, if you lose 1 imp, that can set you back more than 3000 gold.

Even if you recruited an attack team of other units (devilers, wizards, etc), you have to make educated guesses to find the right opponent to attack and there is ALWAYS the risk of taking damage (which is very expensive to heal).

The best use of your time and money is to recruit a team of 12 imps for digging.

  • always dig for only 10 minutes at a time. digging for 20 or 30 minutes at a time does not double or triple your "harvest"
  • you will excavate less gold per 2 hours if you excavate with multiple teams of fewer imps (3 teams of 4 will bring back much less gold than 1 team of 12)
  • upgrade as many imps as you can as fast as you can. the sooner they are upgraded, the sooner their carrying capacity is upgraded.
When you reach upgrade times greater than 24 hours (level 5 and up), consider recruiting more than 12 imps. By recruiting 14 imps, you can train 2 and keep 12 digging at all times.


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