It's a bit obvious that I've been taking an extended break. Things in real life have been piling up and my computers at home have been giving me trouble.
I haven't even logged on to any of my DignFight accounts in at least 2 weeks.
There isn't much about the game to write about right now, so I'll just ramble about RL for a few minutes.
It all started when I picked up some malware from a website. I swear it was a pop-up ad from Veoh, I could be wrong. Things went from bad to worse when I decided to try and fix it myself by deleting a few infected files. My WinXP machine was so screwed up, I couldn't even open up My Computer.
Then my Network Attached Storage box died. It's an Infrant Ready NAS NV (Infrant is now owned by Netgear). There's a known issue with a specific range of serial numbers that causes the power supply to die prematurely. Lucky me, I got one of those lemon serial numbers. If Netgear would just send my the replacement power supply, I would be in great shape. Naturally, their customer service is lousy. The customer service rep very politely said that the part would be replaced for free and shipping would be covered. That was on February 15. The power supplies still haven't arrived at Netgear's warehouse and they can't tell me when they expect the part to come in.
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