I added a new poll today at the request of one of my loyal readers. Go ahead and vote in the sidebar and tell us how long you've been playing DignFight.

Is there anything that you would like to see in a poll? Add a comment or e-mail me at dignfight(at)gmail(dot)com.


I can't remember when I started the game. A few days after the server started.
Vote question ideas:
What is your leading goal?
- attack
- defense
- build
- points and reanking
- tinker traps
- research

What is your strongest creature (actually I mean the one with the hardest precondition)?
- imp
- bug
- goblin
- salamander
(I don't know their exact name in english, as I use both servers where I play with hungarian layout.)

June 19, 2008 at 8:04 PM  

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