DignFight Rooms

There is growing interest in information about rooms in DignFight. Costs, spaces needed, how many units can be trained, and what levels they can reach.

Google Docs worked surprisingly well. Check out our new DignFight Room Info.

Currently, our Room Info includes data on rooms up to the Arena (enough for you to get Black Riders). The Treasure Chamber page currently goes up to 23x23, that is the gold capacity you will need to recruit Villains.

As you upgrade your Arena, you will gain 4 more training slots (for a maximum of 12) and the maximum level that you can train creatures will increase.

With the release of the next upgrade, the Library and Workshop will be used to Research and Tinker new spells, doors, and traps. As soon as we find out the info, we will update our DignFight Room Info page.


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