Description: Y enemy creatures suffer X points of damage.

I like this type of spell/trap because it adds a little extra damage during combat.
Average damage inflicted:

  • lvl 1: 3 damage (1 creature)
  • lvl 2: 8 damage (split between 2 creatures)
  • lvl 3: 16 damage (split between 3 creatures)
  • lvl 4: 24 damage (split between 4 creatures)

The damage inflicted is pretty good, considering the healing cost (without premiums) can be between 7-10 gold per hit point, this spell will probably prevent your attacker from making a profitable attack.

Lightning Strike
Level Research Time (hours)Research CostRequirements Casting Cost (gold)Duration (h:m:s)Y*X

Berserker lvl 3, Evil Eye lvl 5, Library 8x8

214002500/WizardLightning Strike lvl 117681:24:512*(1-7)
321003750/WizardLightning Strike lvl 221651:43:553*(2-9)
428005000/WizardLightning Strike lvl 325002:00:004*(2-10)
535006250/WizardLightning Strike lvl 427952:14:095*(2-11)
642007500/WizardLightning Strike lvl 530622:26:586*(2-12)
749008750/WizardLightning Strike lvl 633072:38:447*(3-13)
8560010000/WizardLightning Strike lvl 735362:49:428*(3-14)
9630011250/WizardLightning Strike lvl 837503:00:009*(3-15)
10700012500/WizardLightning Strike lvl 939533:09:4410*(3-16)
11770013750/WizardLightning Strike lvl 1041433:18:5911*(3-17)
12840015000/WizardLightning Strike lvl 1143303:27:5112*(3-17)


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