My recent post about Quicksand made an impression on somebody in the official DignFight forums. Empyrean wanted to know if my post about Quicksand was accurate. I have edited the wording a little to more accurately express my opinion about the spell.

If you reduce the range of your enemy's creatures and attack first, the range advantage is only worthwhile if you can kill one of the enemy before they can deal damage. If you attack first and all 12 of the enemy army survives to deal damage in combat, it doesn't matter who attacked first.

Most of you probably know how difficult it can be to kill a creature in combat, here are 2 of my recent encounters involving creatures of VERY different levels.

I almost killed 2 more Goblins and the 4 others that took damage weren't in very good health, but you would think that 10 mid-level Devilers could kill more lvl 1 creatures than this.

As for the Deviler battle report, the first thing I want to say is that leaving 7 Devilers on defense was a mistake...I was training Devilers and forgot that this group was so under-staffed. At least a 5-level advantage, 12 vs 7 active Burning Eye and my coverage at the time was worth a defense bonus of +10%. The best the enemy could do was hit 1 of my Devilers for 26 damage (leaving 14 hit points).

My point is:

  • at a casting cost of 1000 gold and a duration 1 hour, it's difficult to make a profit when attacking and casting this spell

  • if you can kill 1 opponent before they can "counter-attack", your creatures are probably powerful enough to not need the help of Quicksand

  • if you are fighting creatures of a similar level, you're chances of killing any of them are slim


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