Reset: It's Rambo Time

I couldn't wait for my last 3 Devilers to level-up, so I sent 3 Wizards and 9 Devilers (all level 5) on a 12-attack looting spree. My first 2 attacks were learning experiences (not very successful). But after that, I realized that the key is to attack Keepers that have a creature score that is about 1/3 or less than their dungeon score AND the highest gold score in range.

Why this works:

  • low creature score: We don't want to encounter any defense
  • 3:1 dungeon score to creature score ration - these Keepers are busy upgrading their rooms, even if they have "advanced" creatures", their level is low and they haven't recruited many creatures.
  • high gold score: if you only attack once, rich Keepers usually don't retaliate, they are too busy digging. if their gold score is too low, you won't bring back your full carrying capacity
  • there is lots of movement in this part of the high score list. once you move into the Top 300, you will probably be stuck with the same opponents, but for any rank below 300, you will probably never see your victims again (no retaliation)


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