Reset: The Best Defense Is...

I recruited my first Deviler this week and I finished a 10x10 Training Room. That means I can work on my first group of level 5 Devilers.

Just in time too, a Keeper named Claudia decided to attack me 3 times in one day.

Impressive army (at least in size). 6 Goblins, 24 Salamanders, 6 Devilers. Some of Claudia's Salamanders have been trained to level 4.

But how do they compare to level 4 and 5 Wizards?

Neither one of us has any defense, but my creatures can carry more. I can't lose this one, if Claudia attacks me again, I'll just go and harvest more gold.

Taking the slow and steady route and taking time to train creatures as you go makes it so much easier to climb the high score list. The best defense is a strong offense.


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