I'm in the 3000 range of the high score list and in 24 hours my last Deviler will finish training to level 5. 12 of my Imps are already at level 5. My rooms look like this:
Chicken Farm: 4x4 Entrance: 1x1 Guard Room: 3x3
Treasure Room: 9x9 Dungeon Heart: 1x1 Training Room: 10x10
Sleeping Quarters: 7x7 Library: 4x4 Workshop: 5x5

I rushed to upgrade my Training Room to get the first 8 training spots and that had mixed results. Even though my Devilers are all level 5, I need to be careful because some of the people near me are already recruiting Dark Elves. As long as I pick my targets carefully, it looks like attacking can be profitable for me (if their creature score is about 1/3 or less of their dungeon score, I've got a pretty good chance of stealing gold without combat).

In this area of the high score list, as little as 2 points can seperate ranks. Keepers are still moving around a lot, after I attack somebody, chances are pretty good that we will not be in range of each other 30 minutes later.

Next strategy idea:

  • Finish the pre-requisites for an Arena
  • Finish the pre-requisites to recruit Dark Elves
  • Upgrade Arena to 5x5 and get access to level 10 creatures
  • Upgrade Chicken Farm and Sleeping Quarters to make space for at least 12 Dark Elves
  • Stop room upgrades and train all creatures to level 10
  • I may not recruit Dark Elves yet since I don't care about defense
  • a 2nd group of 12 Devilers is appealing for quicker attacks


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